This is what I've been looking for, a version of growl that will install cleanly on Lion without the changes of 1.3.
I strongly disagree with the decision to move the configuration out of the system preferences section. I understand why the authors felt they had to do that, but it is not how I want it configured.
Since this is now a fork, I believe hardware growler could get a tiny bit of attention. Make it easy to disable the dock icon. Long term suggestion would be to put hardware growler control in the same preference pane. (Start/stop the tool, disable the dock icon both as check boxes).
Since it is a fork, you will likely need to change the icon and name over time.
Documentation is another area that has long been one that could stand improvement. This is something that should be a bit easier. If you create a project page, you may attract attention to the project, including some other contributors.