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HomeGamesArcadeScreen Snake Plus

Screen Snake Plus for Mac

Classic snake game remodelled.

In English
Version 3.0

Screen Snake Plus overview

Screen Snake Plus is a re-make of the classic snake game, but it's a very original re-make: instead of playing it in a boring window, let's play it on the screen itself!


  • Simple, intuitive design
  • Change the snake's color (by pressing the space bar)
  • Small file size
  • Multiple levels!
  • Enable/Disable collision with the side of the screen
  • Enable/Disable levels
  • And much, much more!!!
Instructions: Use the arrow keys to control the snake. Pressing the space bar changes the snake's color. The goal of the game is to catch as many dots as you can without colliding with the snake itself! Pressing enter pauses the game!

So, if you're bored, waiting for that download to finish, what are you waiting for?

What’s new in version 3.0

Version 3.0:
  • more high scores
  • quick hide
  • better key control preferences

Screen Snake Plus for Mac

In English
Version 3.0
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