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HomeGamesCave Story+

Cave Story+ for Mac

The definitive indie action-adventure game.

In English
Version 1.1

Cave Story+ overview

Cave Story+ is arguably the most well-known indie game of all time. Cave Story features a completely original storyline wrapped with personality, mystery and hours of fast-paced fun.

"Cave Story is an incredible game that I'm sure I will be playing again and again for the rest of my life." - Destructoid

"A platformer that easily holds it own against the Castlevanias and Metroids of the world." - Official Nintendo Magazine UK

"Cave Story feels like the most amazing console game from the year 1990; that it's only now coming to console 20 years later shouldn't be held against it." - 1UP.com

"Reinvigorated by the folks at Nicalis, Daisuke Amaya's remarkable game is engrossing, challenging, and quite lengthy for a downloadable title." - Game Informer Magazine

Cave Story is an action-adventure game from the critically acclaimed
independent designer, Daisuke Amaya--or Pixel to his fans. Overflowing with
unmatched charm and character, Cave Story takes you into a rare world
where a curious race of innocent rabbit-like creatures, called Mimigas, run

You wake up in a dark cave with no memory of who you are, where you came
from or why you're in such a place. Uncovering Mimiga Village you discover
that the once-carefree Mimigas are in danger at the hands of a maniacal
scientist. The Mimigas’ only hope rest squarely on the shoulders of a quiet, amnesiac
boy who can't remember his own name.

Run, jump, shoot, fly and explore your way through a massive action-adventure reminiscent of classic 8- and 16-bit games. Take control and learn the origins of this world’s power, stop the delusional villain and save the Mimiga!

What’s new in version 1.1

Version 1.1:
  • Control support bug fixing! :)
  • Additional OS shortcuts to minimize, hide and lose focus of application have been implemented
  • Additional game optimization!

Cave Story+ for Mac

In English
Version 1.1
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