Having seen these collections at the Apple store, I thought for the low cost, it might yield a few offbeat fonts that would come in handy someday. BOY, WAS I WRONG.
This is the worst, most useless, most amateur collection of fonts I have ever seen in my almost 30 years of professional publishing experience. It goes beyond knock-offs into a whole new realm. Every single font looks like the awkward, slapdash, free-form work of one single designer, and I use the term loosely. It is unimaginable to me that any company put their name on this execrable, value-less, depressing assemblage of digital garbage.
Anyone considering buying this crap would be well-served to explore the abundant talents of open-source enthusiasts (like League of Movable Type), the promotions of legitimate font foundries, and other low-cost and free offerings available on Font Squirrel, daFont, and Smashing Magazine. Also look for low-cost and free offerings on MyFonts.com. There are some terrific fonts out there.