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Racket for Mac

Popular variant of the Scheme programming language.

In English
Version 8.15
Based on 1 user rate

Racket overview

Racket is a popular variant of the Scheme programming language. Its features and benefits include:

  • Grow your Program: Racket's interactive mode encourages experimentation, and quick scripts easily compose into larger systems. Small scripts and large systems both benefit from native-code JIT compilation. When a system gets too big to keep in your head, you can add static types.
  • Grow your Language: Extend Racket whenever you need to. Mold it to better suit your tasks without sacrificing interoperability with existing libraries and without having to modify the tool chain. When less is more, you can remove parts of a language or start over and build a new one.
  • Grow your Skills: Whether you're just starting out, want to know more about programming language applications or models, looking to expand your horizons, or ready to dive into research, Racket can help you become a better programmer and system builder.

What’s new in version 8.15

Racket core
  • Porting from v4.x to v5.x
  • Porting from v3xxx to v4.x
  • Porting from v2xxx to v3xxx
  • Porting from v1xxx to v2xxx

Full list of changes available here

Racket for Mac

In English
Version 8.15
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(1 Reviews of Racket)

  • Comments

  • User Ratings

Nov 8 2016
Nov 8 2016
Version: 6.7
What a fantastic development environment. I do wish, though, that DrRacket was more like TextMate or Emacs in some ways, but there is so much to like that I can't discount it.
Nov 8 2016
Nov 8 2016
Version: null