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HomeVideoOnTheAir Manager

OnTheAir Manager for Mac

Client-Server application for OnTheAir Node and OnTheAir Server.

In English
Version 3.3

OnTheAir Manager overview

OnTheAir Manager is part of the OnTheAir Node client-server suite of products and is used to prepare the schedules, to preview the clips, check which clips are ready to air, and to take control of multiple OnTheAir Nodes and all this from a single networked workstation. OnTheAir Manager uses a graphical calendar style interface presenting a unique and never before achieved ease of use for scheduling complex programming of single or multiple channels. If you can use iCal, you'll be able to use OnTheAir Manager. Scheduling a TV station for 24/7 playout has never been so easy.

OnTheAir Manager can control any number of channels from one single computer. Just select the channel you want to control any immediately start modifying its schedule. As OnTheAir Manager and OnTheAir Node are built with a client-server architecture, you can even control your play out channel miles away. This is ideal for solutions where the broadcast operations (uplink to satellite, stream to internet) are in one location and the scheduling is done from a different location.

OnTheAir Manager will work with live events. Live events are as easy to schedule as a regular clip. Just create your Live event, and drag and drop it in your schedule. Live events can be handled by taking control of a video router (Blackmagic Design Videohub, AJA Kumo or most other routers). It can also be handled simply by rebroadcasting the signal that gets in the input of your card, making it a really cost effective solution.

What’s new in version 3.3

Version 3.3:
  • Catalina Compatibility with notarization
  • (OnTheAir Manager) Underrun and Overrun are now shown in the playlists, even if playlist or clip is in loop, but they are not reported in the verification results
  • Playback of some MPEG and MXF files
  • Playback of FLAC/MKV files
  • Issues with keychain

OnTheAir Manager for Mac

In English
Version 3.3
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