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JHelioviewer for Mac

Visualization software for solar image data.

In English

JHelioviewer overview

JHelioviewer is visualization software for solar image data based on the JPEG 2000 compression standard. JPEG 2000 offers many useful new features and has the potential to revolutionize the way high-resolution image data are disseminated and analyzed. The JPEG 2000 Interactive Protocol (JPIP) enables serving data in a highly compressed, quality-progressive, region-of-interest-based stream. These features minimize the data volume transmitted while maximizing its usability. This is especially relevant for solar physics since NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory has started providing more than a terabyte of image data per day.

The new JHelioviewer offers increased performance as well as a large number of new features, including:

  • Access to new datasets from three different servers (GSFC, ROB, IAS)
  • Additional viewing options, such as running and base differences, and a side-by-side (multi-view) mode
  • Image projections such as orthographic, latitudinal and polar
  • Timeline displays of 1D and 2D datasets, synchronized with image time series
  • Integration of features and events from the Heliophysics Events Knowledgebase, and alerts from the COMESEP system

What’s new in version

  • Release notes were unavailable when this listing was updated.

JHelioviewer for Mac

In English
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