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Livescribe Desktop for Mac

Save your notes and recordings to your Mac for fast, easy processing.

In English
Version 2.8.0
Based on 3 user rates

Livescribe Desktop overview

Livescribe Desktop saves your notes and recordings to your computer for fast, easy access to what's important from your Livescribe SmartPen.

What’s new in version 2.8.0

Version 2.8.0:

Livescribe made improvements to Livescribe™ Desktop to correct known issues and improve usability.

This Livescribe Smartpen Update is being delivered to all Livescribe customers.

New Features

  • Support for OS X 10.7 Lion


  • Fixed problem that prevented some users from getting their smartpens recognized by LD.
  • Fixed problem that displayed the following error message to some users when updating their smartpens: "This software cannot be installed on attached pen."
  • Fixed problem that created a new user account called "other" in the operating system for some users.

Known Issues

  • Custom notebooks are not successfully converted to .pencast files when sent to the Computer connector from the Mac.
  • Livescribe Desktop does not support multiple user accounts running Livescribe Desktop simultaneously (Fast User Switching).

Livescribe Desktop for Mac

In English
Version 2.8.0
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(2 Reviews of Livescribe Desktop)

  • Comments

  • User Ratings

Oct 30 2012
Oct 30 2012
Version: 2.8.0
LiveScribe have announced their new Sky product, which will only work with Evernote. There will be no desktop application, and no way to view your data except by using Evernote. No PDF export. No local storage on your private machine or network. No control over your data. That's the Evernote business model, and LivesScribe have accepted it. IMO, this is a real loss of value for consumers.
Sep 4 2011
Sep 4 2011
Version: 2.8.0
The software is useful. But, for me, there is a glaring omission. There is no systematic way to code or add meta data to notebook entries (by page or group of related pages). The data entries, when stored online, are in effect a database after all. But, as I collect hundreds of pages of notes, I cannot systematically look for al notes on a particular topic, date, location, etc; or meetings related to a particular client. One must rely entirely on the handwriting recognition of what was written in the note (in the notepad) at the time of note-taking. Thus I stopped using the product. It's great to be able to input my handwritten notes into the computer. Paper becomes a mere data entry medium, but not necessarily the storage medium. That's good in principle. But if I cannot systematically retrieve archived notes, from hundreds of entries, the value of the approach is lot entirely. So many products emphasize the ease of getting data into the computer. Fine. But, for me, the real value lies with whether I can readily get the data out in a cogent and meaningful form. That's not the case with Livescribe, at least for me.
Oct 30 2012
Oct 30 2012
Version: null
Feb 29 2012
Feb 29 2012
Version: null
Sep 4 2011
Sep 4 2011
Version: null