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ImageXY for Mac

Resize photos quickly and easily.

In English
Version 3.2
Based on 2 user rates

ImageXY overview

ImageXY allows you to resize all your photos quickly and easily with the click of a button. Drag & drop your images directly into ImageXY from wherever you keep them and select how you want them resized...it's that simple.

Will ImageXY let me:

  • resize jpg, gif, png, psd and pdf's?
  • resize 100's of photos at once?
  • create my own presets for certain image sizes?
  • scale photos to a certain %?
  • resize 1,000's of photos at once?
  • drag photos directly in from iPhoto?
  • resize images directly from the internet?
  • resize images so I can quickly email them?
  • drag in a folder and have it magically find all the images within it?
  • resize 10,000's of photos at once?
  • use ImageXY blindfolded with one hand tied behind my back?
  • Can my Mom use ImageXY to resize photos without having to call me for help?
The answer to all these questions is YES!!!

Sharing is loving
Why not give ImageXY as a gift to your family and friends so they never again have to suffer trying to email or upload photos that are too big.

We love your feedback:
Please email us or tweet (@imagexy) with any questions or issues you may have we are always happy to help.

What’s new in version 3.2

Version 3.2:
  • Updating localizations

ImageXY for Mac

In English
Version 3.2
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(4 Reviews of ImageXY)

  • Comments

  • User Ratings

Apr 12 2012
Apr 12 2012
Version: 2.0.4
I would like to see competition for EasyCrop which also allows one to visually drag a slider to resize an image and see the image resize in real time. I've been hoping someone will "one-up" EasyCrop and allow to drag on the picture directly (bottom-right corner, etc.) to visually resize it. This unfortunately doesn't seem to do that. Consider this a feature request, dev. :)
Dec 2 2011
Dec 2 2011
Version: 1.2
Version 2.0 is much improved, and Image XY now warrants a review and an excellent rating. The new "Advanced Resize" feature allows me to resize to a different format and to set the image quality. Too bad this feature is only available from the menu -- I would like an "Advanced Resize" button at the bottom of the Image XY window, next to the standard "Resize" button. Image XY's big advantage over other similar apps is that it preserves the colour profile of the image, rather than assigning the monitor profile to the image as most other apps do. I rated Image XY 4.5 stars instead of 5 stars because the dev still won't allow users to edit the built-in presets, which for my needs are useless. Hint: You can edit or delete them by hacking around in the plist file.
Aug 30 2011
Aug 30 2011
Version: 1.2
Another App Store only utility? When devs learn that this is bad way to promote their applications?
Aug 30 2011
Aug 30 2011
Version: 1.2
ImageXY is the only resizing app I've found so far that a) preserves the colour profile of an image, and b) is attractive and easy to use. Other similar apps either assign the monitor colour profile to resized images and/or are ugly and awkward to use. I am holding off on rating ImageXY because the current version does not offer the ability to convert images to another format (from PNG to JPG, for example). The developer says this is coming in a future update. When this feature is added, ImageXY will become my go-to resizing app.
Jan 24 2012
Jan 24 2012
Version: null
Dec 2 2011
Dec 2 2011
Version: null