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HomeSecurityTighten Pro

Tighten Pro for Mac

Mac App Store receipt validation and code generator.

In English
Version 1.0.13
Based on 2 user rates

Tighten Pro overview

Tighten Pro is a code generator and verifier for Mac App Store receipt validation, code-signing and security.

Getting your OS X app ready for the App Store is simple--until you start thinking about verifying the store receipt, checking the certificate chain used to sign your application, and checking the integrity of the application bundle. Implementing all of the WWDR recommendations for the App Store could take up to a month (that's the voice of experience speaking), even for experienced developers!

Tighten Pro changes all that. With a built-in code generator that reads directly from your codesign-ed app bundle, you can add a complete, robust App Store implementation to your own application in under 30 minutes. And since the code generator creates customized security code, your app will be more secure than if you simply reused sample code from the internet.

  • Inspect application code signature.
  • Calculates SHA1 fingerprints of application signing certificate chain.
  • Generates code for codesign requirement checks.
  • Inspect App Store Receipts and verify values against your own receipt-checking code.
  • Creates 32/64-bit inline ANSI C (GCC) code for inclusion in .h .c, .m, .cpp and .mm files.
  • Quickly review public symbols and strings without opening console.

What’s new in version 1.0.13

Version 1.0.13:
  • Fixes for handling app bundles containing receipts signed with "Mac App Store Receipt Signing" certificate which expired on 2015.11.11
  • Updated to verify receipts signed with "Mac App Store and iTunes Store Receipt Signing" certificate expires 2017.10.23 or 2023.02.07.
  • Fixes for 10.8.5 and higher (exception thrown when App bundle opened).
  • Light dusting and cleaning for (32/64) standard binary.

Tighten Pro for Mac

In English
Version 1.0.13
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(2 Reviews of Tighten Pro)

  • Comments

  • User Ratings

Dec 17 2012
Dec 17 2012
Version: 1.0.6
I'm a bit embarrassed by my first reply, I just didn't do my background reading before attempting to dive in. Apple's own Code Signing Guide is required reading before getting started: http://bit.ly/YazXao Once you get your footing, the app is much easier to use. Still, this is a very complex area and I would like to see more comprehensive documentation in the app. There is a short manual and a nice tutorial, but a lot of knowledge is assumed.
Apr 12 2012
Apr 12 2012
Version: 1.0.6
$300 and you're going to have THAT for an icon? Honestly if you're going to charge exorbitant amounts for something you should actually pay an artist for an icon to be proud of.
Dec 17 2012
Dec 17 2012
Version: null
Nov 22 2012
Nov 22 2012
Version: null