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CoverToaster for Mac

Find matching cover art from any song your radio plays.

In English
Version 2.0.2
Based on 1 user rate

CoverToaster overview

CoverToaster is amazing album cover art. On your screen. While you listen.

Radio is great but you can't see what you're hearing... until now. iTunes songs don't require a lot of effort to show album art any more. CoverToaster finds matching album art for any song or radio station you play! Just start CoverToaster and any iTunes / Radium / SnowTape / Pulsar / FStream song or radio station -- CoverToaster will search, find and display cover art in a blink!

Highly customizable - CoverToaster fits any desktop design.

*InTune, iTunes, Radium 2, Radium 3, SnowTape, Pulsar, and FStream compatible

What’s new in version 2.0.2

Version 2.0.2:
  • Minor performance improvements
  • New icon, take 2
  • Pixel perfect Retina-ready menu bar icon

CoverToaster for Mac

In English
Version 2.0.2
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(1 Reviews of CoverToaster)

  • Comments

  • User Ratings

Dec 11 2012
Dec 11 2012
Version: 1.4
Oustandingly Great app. It does exactly what it claims to do. Using Radiumit puts in the art perfectly. It is now a start up item in my Mac.
Dec 11 2012
Dec 11 2012
Version: null