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MarkMyWords for Mac

Advanced Editor for Markdown-Documents.

In English
Version 2.11.1
Based on 2 user rates

MarkMyWords overview

MarkMyWords offers easy formatting and structuring functions for articles which will be published on the Web and remains platform-independent by using plain text documents.

  • Support of a variety of markup-languages
  • Live-preview of the content and possibility to add own CSS-stylesheets
  • Use of text-templates and markers for quick text navigation
  • Easy import of text-data from popular RSS-readers and web-browsers
  • A flexible fullscreen-modus
  • Plugin System
  • And more little tricks to straighten the writing task

MarkMyWords supports the markup-languages BBCode, Markdown, MultiMarkdown, MarkdownExtra, Smark, Textile, and Wikitext and offers a preview of the formatted output as it would be displayed on webpages immediately. Of course you can use plain HTML to format your text, too.

What’s new in version 2.11.1

  • Marker selection keyboard shortcuts changed
  • improved behavior of Illusion Format under certain circumstances when moving the cursor with the arrow keys
  • import of documents, if images can be imported, they are added to the assets (the corresponding document must already be saved)
  • improved import of documents and insertions from the clipboard regarding superfluous spaces
Bug fixes:
  • Fixes a bug with Textbundle files with the markup language MarkdownExtra
Syntax highlighting:
  • Smark: Link detection improved if the link is directly followed by a line break
  • Smark: Comment highlight is now recognized correctly
Internal markup parser:
  • Markdown, MarkdownExtra, MultiMarkdown: improved recognition for correct bold and inverse in both variants
  • Smark: improved link recognition
  • Smark: various minor internal improvements

MarkMyWords for Mac

In English
Version 2.11.1
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(1 Reviews of MarkMyWords)

  • Comments

  • User Ratings

Feb 27 2011
Feb 27 2011
Version: 1.1.0
This is designed for web authoring but I use a lot for rough drafts of structured text which I can do really quickly with Markdown. Better than some other similar apps because you can see what happening to the structure almost in real time. You can use Textile if you prefer. It all just works. I think it will be great for blogging, I just haven't got around to that using MMW yet.
Shivasharma Nallaikkumaran
Shivasharma Nallaikkumaran
Jan 19 2022
Jan 19 2022
Version: 2.3.0
Feb 27 2011
Feb 27 2011
Version: null