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PixPlant for Mac

3D texturing tool.

In English

PixPlant overview

PixPlant is a smart 3D texturing tool that creates high quality normal, displacement, specular maps and seamless textures from plain photos.

Based on photos, PixPlant adds an unlimited choice of realistic materials for your projects: pick an interesting photo, run PixPlant and get a perfect seamless 3D texture.

What’s new in version

  • Fixed a bug on loading 16/24-bit images, where color mapping was incorrectly performed resulting in images with brightness differences.
  • The maximum number of Parallel Synth slaves can now be increased up to 14, as described in the help manual.
  • Solved a minor error when tiling a texture from multiple seed images.
  • Third-party libraries Qt and FreeImage were updated to recent versions.
  • Mac version now requires at least OS X Mountain Lion (10.8).

PixPlant for Mac

In English
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