OK, seems we have 3 "similar" programs for performing these tasks: Remove-It, App Cleaner (note the space between the p and C, and AppCleaner). Here are links for AppCleaner and App Cleaner:
AppCleaner: https://freemacsoft.net/appcleaner/
App Cleaner: https://nektony.com/mac-app-cleaner
Each of them has their "fans" (I like and use AppCleaner). I wonder which one is the best. As I remarked in my post below in March 2023, while AppCleaner might not find every file associated with an application being removed/deleted, I then use EasyFind (another superior program) to find and remove the rest of those files that AppCleaner missed. I still am willing to bet that both Remove-It and App Cleaner also do not find every file. It would be beneficial if there was a comparison of the 3 programs. One significant difference, though, is that AppCleaner is free, but neither Remove0It or App Cleaner are.