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Pro Versioner for Mac

Backup and versioning utility for Final Cut Pro.

In English
Based on 1 user rate

Pro Versioner overview

Note: Pro Versioner has been discontinued, but is still available for download.

Pro Versioner (was FCP Versioner) is an extensive backup and versioning tool for your project, event and bin files. It creates a backup whenever you save and is a useful way of keeping track of versions over time.

  • Versioning - Every time you save, Pro Versioner backs up your project file. Unlike regular autosave, this gives you a wide time range if you need to restore an earlier version.
  • Annotations - Differentiate between backups with annotations and screenshots.
  • Backup Management - Extensive backup management options give you maximum control over disk usage.
  • Cloud Sync - Protect your data from hard drive failure, fire or theft by automatically syncing backups to Dropbox.
  • Peace of Mind - Pro Versioner works in the background, automatically managing your project backups to keep your data safe.

What’s new in version 2.1.6

Version 2.1.6:
  • Pro Versioner has been discontinued. While there will be no further updates to the software, it is operational and can still continue to be used.
  • This update removes the registration code so the software will freely function without the need for a license.
  • It also removes Dropbox sync functionality for compatibility reasons. However, Dropbox can continue to be used by choosing your Dropbox folder as the backup destination.
View older Pro Versioner versions

Pro Versioner for Mac

In English
Version 2.1.6
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(1 Reviews of Pro Versioner)

  • Comments

  • User Ratings

Apr 10 2013
Apr 10 2013
Version: 2.0.8
Excellent! Pro Versioner is an absolute must have for any FCPX user. I haven't been using it long but setup was quick and easy, including Dropbox. Now my Project files are autosaved and backed up locally and to the cloud, as well as my last resort, Time Machine. Perfect. Thanks Digital Rebellion!
Apr 10 2013
Apr 10 2013
Version: null