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HomeBusinessBitnami JasperReports Stack

Bitnami JasperReports Stack for Mac

Web-based reporting, analytics, visualization, and a dashboard.

In English
Version 7.5.0-5

Bitnami JasperReports Stack overview

The Bitnami JasperReports Stack can be used as a stand-alone or embedded reporting and BI server that offers web-based reporting, analytic tools and visualization, and a dashboard feature for compiling multiple custom views. JasperReports supports multiple data sources including Hadoop Hive, JSON data sources, Excel, XML/A, Hibernate and more. You can create reports with their WYSIWYG tool and build beautiful visualizations, charts and graphs.

What’s new in version 7.5.0-5

Version 7.5.0-5:
  • Fixed vulnerability CVE-2020-9484
  • Moved Java distribution from AdoptOpenJDK to LibericaJDK
  • Updated LibericaJDK to 1.8.0_252
  • Updated lego to 3.7.0
  • Updated MySQL to 5.7.30
  • Updated Tomcat to 8.5.55

Bitnami JasperReports Stack for Mac

In English
Version 7.5.0-5
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