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HomeVideoARRIRAW Toolkit

ARRIRAW Toolkit for Mac

Allows Final Cut Pro to work with ARRIRAW .ari image sequences.

In English
Version 2.0.2982

ARRIRAW Toolkit overview

ARRIRAW Toolkit provides full support for all models of ARRI Alexa as well as the ARRIFLEX D-21 Cinema Camera.

ARRIRAW is fully supported through QuickTime, which will perform all of the import, playback, de-Bayer, exposure, ASA, and color-correction functions on the movie. All applications that use QuickTime can access all aspects of the ARRIRAW files, including Final Cut Pro, Adobe After Effects, Compressor, and many others. When installed, it can import and play these files without any sort of conversion or preprocessing steps. For ease of portability with other users, you can quickly and easily convert an ARRIRAW image sequence to any other QuickTime movie format.

What’s new in version 2.0.2982

Version 2.0.2982:
  • Updates and bug fixes to licensing system
  • Updated support for various open-gate modes
  • Added support for flipping imagery

ARRIRAW Toolkit for Mac

In English
Version 2.0.2982
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