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Object2VR for Mac

Create HTML5, Flash, or QTVR object movies.

In English
Based on 1 user rate

Object2VR overview

Object2VR can build your object movie from start to finish. Use it to control the turntable and to load the image right into the Light Table from the camera. Then, use the image-processing tools to make the image perfect, and finally output the object movie for playback on websites, devices, and kiosks.

What’s new in version 3.1.5

Version 3.1.5:
  • Canon camera support for EOS 77D / EOS 800D added
View older Object2VR versions

Object2VR for Mac

In English
Version 3.1.5
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(1 Reviews of Object2VR)

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  • User Ratings

Apr 22 2012
Apr 22 2012
Version: 2.0b5
Probably THE worst software I've tried in my life. I believe you have to be either a Harvard or Yale graduate to figure out how to use this just to create a simple VR. The manual is horrible, the UI is convoluted, and nothing really works. It's amazing to me that in 2012 this "developer" hasn't (or just can't) figure out how to make this app simpler to use. Don't buy!
Apr 22 2012
Apr 22 2012
Version: null