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GiftList for Mac

A Gift Sharing App.

In English
Version 1.33

GiftList overview

Use GiftList is the gift planner you need for Christmas.

Tired of receiving lame gifts you can’t wait to recycle at the next Secret Santa? Keep it simple for your friends and family to know exactly what is on your wish list! Create gift lists and share your perfect wish list for Christmas.

Stressed over finding a great Christmas gift for your friend who has everything? Simply check out their GiftList and never give a bad present again! Frustrated showing up Christmas morning with the same present as someone else? Discreetly chat with mutual friends, suggest new Christmas gifts, and reserve items on our gift tracker to ensure duplicate presents are a thing of the past!

GiftList Functionality:

Build lists - Easily search and add items from top brands. Add your own item and easily add links, descriptions, and images to make sure everyone knows exactly what you want. Or download GiftList’s Chrome or Firefox extensions to add gift ideas automatically.

Share lists - Share your GiftList(s) with friends and family members. Even if they don’t have the app, they can see what is on your Christmas wish list.

Collaborate - Discreetly chat with friends and family about others’ wish lists to suggest gift ideas, reserve gifts on others’ lists, making gift planning simple so that no one buys the same thing.

Track purchases - Easily see all the items you’ve reserved or bought with our gift tracker so you can know what gifts you've bought and see what presents you still need to purchase.

What’s new in version 1.33

Version 1.33:
  • You now can add a gift to your 'I'm Buying' list that is for someone outside of GiftList!
  • We've also killed some bugs and made searching for friends easier.

GiftList for Mac

In English
Version 1.33
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