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HomeGraphic DesignOpacity Express

Opacity Express for Mac

Easy to use editor for screen graphics.

In English
Version 1.5.5

Opacity Express overview

Opacity Express is a streamlined, more affordable version of Opacity. It includes most of Opacity's innovative, powerful features at a much lower price. Best of all, if you decide you need to upgrade to Opacity, you can at any time for the difference in price.

What’s new in version 1.5.5

Version 1.5.5:
  • Can snap two gradient stops together
  • Double click to edit exact gradient stop locations
  • Added Size to Fit (for text and image vectors)
  • Bitmap images can be handled as vectors
  • Added Stretch to Bounds for text vectors
  • Draw ellipses when text doesn't fit in its bounds
  • Zoom To menu item to specify exact zoom
  • No more max zoom limit

Opacity Express for Mac

In English
Version 1.5.5
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(1 Reviews of Opacity Express)

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Aug 1 2012
Aug 1 2012
Version: 1.5.1
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