Dialectic for Mac
System-wide contact menu and scriptable dialer.
Note: This app is still available for download but the developer of Dialectic has temporarily halted the distribution and sale of all of their products.
Dialectic uses Bluetooth mobile phones (including the iPhone), modems, or speakers to dial the phone. Dialectic can also make calls via dozens of VoIP providers, IP phones, softphones, and advanced telephony products such as Asterisk-based PBX. Dialectic currently supports dialing over 100 different services and devices and is extensible so adding dialing compatibility for additional services or devices can be done quickly and easily.
You can enter a number manually or you can use the integrated search tools to find numbers in your Contacts, Microsoft Outlook, Daylite, or FileMaker databases (and more). With the included extras you can select a number from virtually any location (including email messages or webpages) and instantly dial it using Dialectic! And dialing is just the start. There are dozens of additional features - far too many to list here. Try it for yourself.
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