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Arachnophilia for Mac

Web development and programming tool.

In English
Version 5.5.2837

Arachnophilia overview

Arachnophilia is a powerful programming editor with some special HTML production and editing features. With it, you can:
  • Create HTML pages using a suite of powerful tools.
  • Upload your Web site to your Internet service provider using Arachnophilia's built-in FTP service.
  • Fully customize Arachnophilia's menus, toolbars and keyboard commands. Arachnophilia lets you create or remove any commands, toolbars, or menus you want to.
  • Beautify, and analyze the structure of, your Web pages, so they will be more likely to be error-free and work correctly with more browsers.
  • Create working environments for many kinds of programming tasks using Arachnophilia's fully customizable menus and toolbars.

What’s new in version 5.5.2837

Version 5.5.2837:
  • Recoded the browser search algorithm to accommodate more browser names and paths. This change allows searches in newer Windows versions to include both the 32- and 64-bit program directories.

Arachnophilia for Mac

In English
Version 5.5.2837
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(2 Reviews of Arachnophilia)

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  • User Ratings

Apr 3 2011
Apr 3 2011
Version: 5.4.2461
So maybe I just don't understand why this is useful so I don't give a rating. But in my opinion the user interface is awful. Not only because of java but also because it is so cluttered. There are too many buttons. It's just not easy to use... And as far as I can see this does not have useful support for css. After all it's free and I don't want to depreciate the author's work.
Jun 19 2009
Jun 19 2009
Version: 5.4.2377
Are you serious with submitting this to MacUpdate? PPC only and an interface that looks like a 1995 Windows program?
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