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JAME for Mac

Java real-time multi-thread fractal graphics platform.

In English
Version 409.1

JAME overview

JAME is a Java real-time multi-thread fractal graphics platform which supports images and animations. The core of JAME is the graphics engine which supports layers, filters, effects and alpha composition. JAME creates Mandelbrot and Julia fractals and supports zoom, rotation and colour shift. Creating an animation is very easy; JAME can record any action you do and store them as a clip. Clips are stored in a database and can be rendered with different resolutions or frame-rates; you can create many render profiles for every clip.

JAME supports batch rendering, caching and encoding of rendered data in different formats; JAME supports JPEG, PNG, BMP, TIFF, AVI and Quicktime formats. JAME is also an OSGi application and can be extended by plug-ins to provide new fractals, formulas, filters, effects, encoders and more.

What’s new in version 409.1

Version 6.2.1 (1.2.409.1):

Note: Although Finder indicates version 1.2. 409.1 for this application, the developer refers to it as version 6.2.1.

  • Updated version of FreeImage4Java
  • Updated version of FFmpeg4Java

JAME for Mac

In English
Version 409.1
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