It's packaging is fine. This is a japanese developer who then translates the documentation.
Secondly, this app is pretty straight forward. If you can't figure out how to use it from the preference menu then I don't think your ready for this app.
Before everyone gives me negative responses download the app and look in the preference menu and tell me it is hard to figure out.
I have had this app for 2-3 years now and it has saved me a ton of time allowing me to move/copy items with a hotkey and switching between move and copy is as simple as holding down the option button.
You can even customize where the app defaults too when the prompt for move/copy is invoked. More than that you can have favorite directories that are keystrokes away once you prompt a move.
Oh yeah, you can also add comments to the files that you are moving/copying and all of this with VERY little system resources.
This application has been around for a very long time in terms of os x apps and is always updated if and when it needs to be, e.g. when snow leopard came out.
Also, the documentation attached is very easy to read and follow but I doubt you will even need to read it. The app takes up nearly no system resources and is always a keystroke away.
It's as professional as any app and easier to follow than most apps that are english based. Actually give the app a chance and you will see that there is more too this app than your two sentences portray. Comment on something that it's missing, it's not missing packaging or instructions. Not at all.
It makes me sad to see you comment like that. The dev could have chosen to only make it available for japanese users but chose to share it with english users and these are the comments it receives. Install the app next time before coming to MU and commenting, your comments are far from the truth.
I'd like to see your "real" installer/documentation for any app in japanese. Good luck making it as polished as this. Well worth the money.
Do not believe me or the person who I am berating install the app yourself and then make the decision.