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Flip Boom Classic for Mac

2D animation tool designed for kids of all ages.

In English
Version 2.0

Flip Boom Classic overview

Flip Boom Classic is a free-form, frame-based, 2D animation tool, fun and easy for kids of all ages. In addition to basic paint tools, the software include onion-skinning, paint-behind, looping, speed control, export to movie, and other features. Flip Boom is a fun and creative tool designed to animate freely. Based on traditional animation principles, Flip Boom sets the imagination free while teaching notions of timing and motion.

What’s new in version 2.0

Version 2.0:
  • Amaze your friends by printing a flip book of your drawings
  • Set up your animation within the new camera frame
  • Lay out your drawings on top of each other
  • Enhance your experience with the resizable user friendly interface
  • Publish your animation directly to your iPod
  • Improved performance

Flip Boom Classic for Mac

In English
Version 2.0
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(2 Reviews of Flip Boom Classic)

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  • User Ratings

Dec 2 2007
Version: 1.0
I did the trial, seemed OK, bought it and now I can't save projects or opened saved projects.
Nov 27 2007
Nov 27 2007
Version: 1.0
Bummer, I only have a G4. This looks like it would be useful for an inept adult (like myself) as well.
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