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HomeEducationLearningWarp Speed Calculator

Warp Speed Calculator for Mac

A Trekkie-friendly warp speed calculator.

In English
Version 1.1
Based on 1 user rate

Warp Speed Calculator overview

Warp Speed Calculator is a fun, Dashboard-based accessory for Star Trek fans of all ages.

Have you ever wondered how long it would really take the Enterprise to travel from Earth to Vulcan at warp 5? Or how far the Defiant could possibly get at warp 9 in just five days? What about figuring out how fast VoyagerÕs maximum speed (Warp 9.975) is in multiples of the speed of light?

The Warp Speed Calculator is designed to answer these questions. Simply input two of three variables (speed, distance, and time), and the widget will calculate the third for you. It will even convert equivalent units, like years to days, light-years to parsecs, or warp factors to multiples of c. And you, too, can sound like a Treknology expert!

What’s new in version 1.1

Version 1.1:
  • The widget now behaves properly when it is run on OS X 10.5 ("Leopard")

Warp Speed Calculator for Mac

In English
Version 1.1
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(2 Reviews of Warp Speed Calculator)

  • Comments

  • User Ratings

Feb 22 2012
Feb 22 2012
Version: 1.1
Can it factor the Kessel Run (about twelve parsecs)? Oh wait. Nvrmd.
Aug 7 2007
Aug 7 2007
Version: 1.0
This is a pretty good start. What would make this great is if you could input start and end points (like Earth and Vulcan), and from there you could work out various travel options. How long at warp 6? or warp 8? Or how fast do we need to go to get there in 7 days? Skins are nicely done.
Feb 22 2012
Feb 22 2012
Version: null