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HomeMusic & AudioDiatonic Shifter 2

Diatonic Shifter 2 for Mac

Real-time diatonic pitch shifting and harmonizing.

In English
Version 2.5

Diatonic Shifter 2 overview

Diatonic Shifter 2 is a real-time diatonic pitch shifting and microtuning Audio Unit effect. Combining innovative features like scale independent transposition patterns, a robust pitch tracker and four full octaves of pitch adjustment, this effect packs a powerful punch for harmonizing, microtuning and transposing vocal and instrumental melodies.

Diatonic Shifter 2 is optimized to run anywhere: from the latest version of macOS running on multicore 64-bit Intel processors all the way down to Mac OS X Tiger (10.4) on 32-bit Intel and PowerPC G4 or G5 processors.

Key Features:
  • Real-time, low latency processing for live performances
  • High precision post-processing for studio quality results
  • Diatonic in-scale pitch shifting, harmonizing and micro-tuning
  • Four octaves of pitch adjustment
  • Fully featured trial version
  • Extensive user manual
Sound Samples:

All sound samples are performed live on a single instrument:

What’s new in version 2.5

Version 2.5:
  • Adding Intel 32-/64-bit optimized version of the Audio Unit.

Diatonic Shifter 2 for Mac

In English
Version 2.5
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