If the author is still scratching his head concerning the comments that only white paper is generated, here's the reason: some international settings (French among them) are using the comma as a decimal separator, instead of a period. Thus Graph Paper Maker is using also a comma in the PDF files, which generates the error I reported earlier. You have to do separator checking and conversion if necessary.
For me also it only generates a white page. Preview opens that white page without a hitch, but Adobe Reader complains about the "detection of an unrecognized mark: 1,00000".
Compared to other sharewares (one-trick or even swiss knives), 20$ is indeed quite expensive. At 7$ that would be good.
OS X 10.4.7
This version doesn't crash on "generate" anymore, but the graph paper I get remains blank.
Also, it defaults to Letter and Inches, instead of remembering the last settings or storing a defaults preference.
As soon as it starts working, I'll buy it.
No, it isn't free, but costs 19.95 something.....