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HomeEducationMathNumbers Up! 2: Baggin the Dragon

Numbers Up! 2: Baggin the Dragon for Mac

Math learning game for kids.

In English
Version 2.0.8

Numbers Up! 2: Baggin the Dragon overview

Numbers Up! 2 Baggin' the Dragon features practical math content, a fun game environment and a quirky twist in the tail! Students use basic number fact knowledge to explore the math of measurement, space, data and algebra.

It's an effective and versatile software tool designed to help kids develop mathematical thinking pathways necessary both in everyday life and in higher math learning.

Baggin' the Dragon uses fun math activities to give context and purpose to learning basic arithmetic.

PLUS! The multi-player option means the whole family can play at the same time, each at their own math level!

What’s new in version 2.0.8

Version 2.0.8:
  • Now compatible with OS X 10.7 Lion
  • Fixed font issues that caused the text in some questions to display incorrectly under OS X 10.7

Numbers Up! 2: Baggin the Dragon for Mac

In English
Version 2.0.8
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