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TiffanyScreens for Mac

Presentation tool that sends content to multiple Macs.

In English
Version 2.5.1

TiffanyScreens overview

TiffanyScreens is a presentation tool able to capture the content of the presenter's screen and send it to multiple computer screens at the same time. Any computer can seamlessly become the presenting computer, no matter if connected wirelessly or through an Ethernet cable.

The self-contained solution neither requires nor uses a server. It automatically detects all computers on a local network running the software and those computers can watch the presentation projected onto their screens. Best of all, with a single button click, any computer can switch from watching into presenting mode.

Tiffany Screens allows you to share presentations (or any screen content) with your peer group, without requiring a projector. Many more features.

What’s new in version 2.5.1

Version 2.5.1:
  • Release notes were unavailable when this listing was updated.

TiffanyScreens for Mac

In English
Version 2.5.1
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(2 Reviews of TiffanyScreens)

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  • User Ratings

Mar 16 2008
Mar 16 2008
Version: 2.6.3
I am successfully enjoying this program using a MacBookPro and a PowerMac G4. I am very positively impressed. with it. By the way, it is excellent that it IS INDEED FREEWARE, for me, as noted above: "TiffanyScreens is freeware when used at only 5 venues with 3 users per venue."
Dec 18 2006
Dec 18 2006
Version: 2.5
This used to be freeware. WHAT HAPPENED? I'm not paying for ex-freeware.
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