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English&Fun for Mac

Helps improve listening and comprehension level.

In English
Version 3.2.3

English&Fun overview

English&Fun is an application designed to improve one’s listening - and comprehension - level. It focuses on functions usefull especially to users whose mother language is not English. Actually, with the variety of system-voices available nowadays, the app --besides English-- may be successfully used to improve one’s listening- and comprehension-level in other languages as well.

  • Voices can be quickly set in the Control Palette.
  • Speed-reading: stage may be varied to suit the user’s comprehension level (beginner, advanced, proficient), as shown in the screenshots.
  • Option to highlight each word of the text while being read.
  • Table of English irregular verbs (see screenshot 2)
  • A text, or part of it, can be read in a loop (i.e. several times).

Basic spelling- and grammar-checkers, and printing functions too available. And for the creative user, there is a tutorial showing how to write a play (i.e. a text with different voices) and listen to it (see Screenshot 1). Limitations: one document at a time. That is: before accessing a different document, the current document has to be closed.

What’s new in version 3.2.3

  • App optimized for Monterey.

English&Fun for Mac

In English
Version 3.2.3
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