EMUlaunch is a front-end application used for launching games on fifteen popular emulators on the Mac. Displays screenshot and box art for each game in a TV friendly interface. EMUlaunch looks for your roms and screenshots in a similar manner to MacMAME. It lists the roms for each of your emulators and then displays the screenshot (png or jpg) of the same name. The simple interface makes it easy to choose a game to play without having to open the desired emulator first.
What’s new in version 1.5.2
Version 1.5.2:
Compaibility fix for SDLMame 0122 (-rompath was added to launch script)
ListXML database file has been updated to 0122
Support for screenshots created by MAME OS X
Improved Layout Preference Screen. User can now directly enter parameters to affect the layout of the main screen.
Added user preference for font sizes
Added ability to hide black background bevel
Fixed bug for new users not getting the default layout in the preference screen.
Fixed bug with reflection on main image being cut off on large images.
Smooth scaling of button images in the EMUlaunch Dock
Fonts have been changed throughout the application to use the system font "Lucida Grande"
A pretty rad-looking launcher. A friend with a PC said to me, "I wish I could do that," so extra points.
But one question: what's up with the PlayStation sorting? I mean, most people use disk images right? You can't open those with the emulator (PCSX or Flarestorm).