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Name Munger for Mac

Batch file renaming utility.

In English
Version 1.8.2
Based on 1 user rate

Name Munger overview

Name Munger is a powerful, yet simple-to-use batch file renaming utility. Simply drag one or more files or folders onto the Name Munger icon and you can easily add text before or after the existing name, change one or more occurrences of part of the name or even remove some of the name. In a snap you can rename dozens or even hundreds of files.

Name Munger Features:

  • Quickly rename one file or a thousand with a simple drag-n-drop!
  • Add to the beginning of file and folder names
  • Add to the end of file and folder names
  • Replace text anywhere in a file or folder name
  • Remove text from anywhere in a file or folder name
  • Strip leading and/or trailing spaces from a file or folder name
  • Live preview shows what your files will look like before you rename them

What’s new in version 1.8.2

  • Updated for better compatibility with Mac OS Monterey.
  • Name Munger is now a "universal" application, running natively on both Intel and Apple Silicon Macs.

Name Munger for Mac

In English
Version 1.8.2
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(4 Reviews of Name Munger)

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  • User Ratings

Aug 20 2008
Aug 20 2008
Version: 1.7.3
This now works perfectly!
Apr 12 2008
Apr 12 2008
Version: 1.7.1
Name Munger now supports sorting the file list by file name, creation date, modification date, size and file type in either ascending or descending order as well as dragging to re-order manually. This allows you to arrange the files in any sequence you like before applying numbers to them.
Oct 29 2007
Oct 29 2007
Version: 1.6
Name Munger displays the items dragged onto it or into the file list panes in the order they are provided by the operating system. It has no way of knowing in what order they are being displayed in the Finder or Windows Explorer. The files are numbered exactly as you see them and can be rearranged by dragging the files into the desired sequence before numbering. Now, if you are asking for a means to sort the file list, product suggestions should be sent directly to us at support@sonoragraphics.com.
Sep 30 2007
Sep 30 2007
Version: 1.5.1
The primary prerequisite of any file renaming / renumbering app must be that it renames / renumbers files in the correct (original) sequence. Unfortunately, even though this app has a multitude of well thought out features and capabilities, it fails totally at the first hurdle. Drag your files into the pane for processing, and... they appear (and are therefore processed) out of numerical sequence. I've just resequenced a load of images for a website with this app, and although it did a lovely job of stripping prefixes etc., it completely screwed up the renumbering. Thankfully I hadn't trusted it and had backed up before trying it out. Until this is fixed this app is a non-starter.
Aug 20 2008
Aug 20 2008
Version: null