The first thing everyone looks at is price before downloading it. You would think that $795 is absurd. When I first looked at it, even I thought it was too expensive. But, it's free to try the demo, so why not?
The installation time might be long enough to pop a small bag of popcorn, but it's worth the wait and you only have to do it once. It's actually pretty fast after that.
Opening it, I find that there are many features in this tool that are typical among installers that are necessary (ReadMe, License, etc.). There are also things like an uninstaller which many other programs that create installers never include. The average user can be frustrated removing something that does not have an uninstaller by means of traditional drag-and-drop to the trash/recycle bin, so it's great to include one in your install. Some installers provide optional splash screens, this one does, too. It has everything you will need.
You might not only get this for the features, but you might also get it for the compatibility of the installs. The compatibility is impressive. It's not just Mac and Windows, but many other operating systems. It's great that this supports some of the less popular operating systems just as much as the popular operating systems. I haven't seen many other programs with such large compatibility.
The reason why I don't want to buy this is because I will never need it, but, if you need the compatibility and/or features, this product is worth its cost. Try it and see what I mean.