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BookingPOINT for Mac

Manage bookings for business, schools, universities.

In English
Version 16.0.1
Based on 1 user rate

BookingPOINT overview

BookingPOINT a much-loved room and equipment booking system designed specifically for universities, schools and colleges. BookingPOINT allows you to take control of your room bookings and equipment loans like never before.

Clean, easy to use, beautiful

With a beautiful modern and clean interface, using BookingPOINT is a pleasure. The interface is intuitive and easy to understand, you’ll be a pro in no time.

Time & Day bookings

Book resources by time or by day - e.g. for 1 hour or for 2 days. You can set up which resources can by booked by time, which can be booked overnight, or both.

On-line Bookings

Allow borrowers to book resources on-line at their convenience from anywhere they please. Save time not having to manually book rooms on their behalf - you’ve got better things to do.

iPad Admin Access

Go mobile! Admin users can access the desktop version of BookingPOINT via an iPad.

Reminder Emails & SMS’s

Send automated reminders emails and SMS’s to remind borrowers when their resources are due back, when they have accrued demerit points for late returns, when they have been suspended for too many late returns etc.

Auto Suspensions

Auto-suspend borrowers once they reach a specified number of demerit points to discourage late return of equipment.

Extend Bookings

Allow on-line borrowers to extend their own bookings on the day they are due back if no one else has booked the same resource. Choose which borrowers can and can’t extend their own bookings.

Checkout Without prior Booking

Checkout resources on the fly, even without a prior booking. Simply specify the resources you want to checkout at time of pickup to allocated them to a borrower.

Reporting Tools

With expensive reporting tools, you’ll have all the information you’ll ever need right at your fingertips. Make better, more informed decisions.

Servicing Equipment

Schedule equipment to be booked out for service at a future date. Automatically notify users that the resource they booked is no longer available and will be in for service.

Open / Active Directory

Use your existing Open Directory / Active Directory accounts to externally authenticate borrowers. No need to manage a different set of user names and passwords - users can log on with their existing credentials.

Barcode Scanners

Use a barcode scanner to swipe student cards or to check items in and out of stock. Any barcode scanner will work with BookingPOINT as long as it works with your operating system.


BookingPOINT is not your typical off-the-shelf product. We can customise BookingPOINT to meet your exact needs. If BookingPOINT doesn’t quite fit your requirements, then let us know and we can customise it for you. Alternatively, you may purchase a Developer License and customise it yourself.

What’s new in version 16.0.1

Version 5.0.4 (16.0.1):

Note: Listed price is an amount per month when billed annually.

Note: Now requires OS X 10.11 or later

Note: Although Finder indicates that this is version 16.0.1, the developer states that this is version 5.0.4

  • New: Redesigned the Operator Privileges screen and added additional privilege options.
  • New: Added ability to rename an Operator Privilege.
  • Change: Buttons are either disabled or hidden if the operator does not have the right privileges. Previously the user would have to click the button to be told they don’t have privileges.
  • Fix: Bookings can be deleted via Borrower screens by non-admin operators.
  • Fix: Fixed performance issues with Quick Search throughout the system.
  • Fix: Fixed tab order on Booking pop up dialog.

BookingPOINT for Mac

In English
Version 16.0.1
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(3 Reviews of BookingPOINT)

  • Comments

  • User Ratings

Aug 1 2018
Aug 1 2018
Version: 5.0.4
Actually it is a study in the advanced use of Filemaker Pro. The persons have made an exemplary work for whoever wants to deepens in the possibilities Filemaker. It is a respectable work with a duration of 30 days. If the authorisation of use lasted indefinitely, sure it would have become the free standard for the all professionals of tourism etc. Those of us who are not in position to appreciate the effort for this particular program, they will feel grateful for the free tools the developers offer into the site with the “cost” of one simple Like in Facebook. Respect.
Nov 2 2009
Nov 2 2009
Version: 3.1
me too, why not be upfront and tell us what it will cost. What have you to hide unless it is an unscrupulous pricing policy
Sep 18 2009
Sep 18 2009
Version: 3.1
Well, I'm certainly not going to demo an app that I've got to fill out a pricing request just to find out what they are charging for it!
Aug 1 2018
Aug 1 2018
Version: null