A great software package, although it did lock up more than once - when I tried to delete place sets - under OSX 4.5 on a 1.86 GHz Dual PowerPC (in all fairness, it could be my OS; I've messed it up and need to reinstall).
What this package needs to REALLY shine, is a advanced time feature, for future projections of moon/sun/daylight/twilight/night data. As it stands - in version 1.1 - the time is fixed to concurrent times across the globe. Adding a prediction clock would alllow, for example, a photographer/videographer (yours truly) to plan shots in advance. On a more pedestrian level, fireworks shows, barbeques and other outdoor activities, including moon gazing and meteor shower watching, could be preplanned, without the need for mastery of a product like Starry Night (nor the expense).
Adding this feature certainly would mean a beefing up of lookup tables, but i'd imagine that this is not beyond the scope of the eprogrammer, nor would it be to difficult to implement this feature in the existing package.
ADD THIS and I can think of a dozen people TODAY that would pay the $20.00 price to use this in planning.
Additionally, a little tweaking of the interface might be in order. It's OK, but not as slick as it might be. 3D icons, some 3D treatments of panel edges, and smaller flags, for example, might be in order. Even adding a 3D look to the moon (and adding sun) symbols might be a nice touch. (The $6.95 widget "VelaClock"- based on this app - is slicker looking.)
Viva la celestial! Bravo (et CIAO)!