3D fileSpace for Mac
Visual file system launcher with 3D drawers.
Visual file system launcher with 3D drawers.
3D fileSpace can give you a bird's eye view of all your files and folders, so you get quick and direct point-and-click access to each of hundreds of items, far more than a regular 2D view can show.
And you can quickly see what is inside multiple nested folders, without having to painstakingly navigate to each one. You can drag and drop and perform Finder-like tasks. You can pan, zoom and tilt the view so it shows its contents as you prefer.
You can have a single window composed of multiple panes each showing a Finder folder and the contents of folders inside, so you can keep on hand in a single window all the files and folders you use day to day. And each pane can be quickly expanded into a new full-size window, any time you wish to see the full details. And any 3D window can be turned into a drawer that sits along the edge of the screen taking almost no space yet immediately accessible.
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