This review describes one practical application in the hope that it will inspire others to try & buy iRed, as I did.
I have 3 screens on my desk, one of which doubles as an AV monitor. But I don't want to clutter my desk with remote controls for Satellite, DVD, VCR, CD and SCART switcher. Enter iRed - with a FileMaker front end.
Scanned images of my 5 remotes fill each of 5 layouts. Invisible buttons are placed of the images of the buttons, and run FileMaker scripts with AppleScript commands to operate iRed. A simple mouse click on a familiar-looking virtual remote control, and (via iRed and IRTrans) instant response!
But that's not all. The FileMaker database has a 6th layout which is a list (with logos) of all the satellite channels. Click on a logo - change the channel. No more remembering channel numbers or drilling & scrolling through Sky channel menus.
Each layout has buttons to switch between remotes, and a button to toggle between life size and 50%, zooming the window appropriately. The FileMaker scripts couldn't be simpler - they are all the same with just 2 identical steps. The name of each script is its function (eg PAUSE, MUTE, 7, 4 etc). One step sets a global field from the scriptname; the other runs a universal subscript which sends the command to iRed.
Go and have fun with iRed!