Accordance is Bible software for everyone, whether you are a casual reader of the Bible, a serious student, a pastor or scholar or even a postgraduate researcher. No longer does it command a niche corner of the limited Mac market of Bible programs, but it dominates on both the Mac OS and Windows platforms. It has speed, it has depth, it has a broad range of Bible-based resources, it has active and ongoing development from a brilliant and dedicated team, it has stellar customer support, it has a vibrant and friendly and helpful online community forum, it is competitively priced, there is no hard sell, you can download a free/demo version and try it out for yourself. If you want to have the Bible on your Mac (or PC or iOS device), you cannot ignore Accordance.
I reluctantly switched to Accordance from Online Bible years ago when OLB wasn't available for Mac OS X (NB it is now) after seeing it demoed at a Mac Expo (remember them?). I've stuck with it even though now and then I will try a demo or a free Bible program that is new or novel or innovative. But Accordance is the one that serves me best, it's the one that I keep on using, and continue to invest in by adding new modules fairly regularly (and I don't mean old public domain out-of-copyright works.) And I don't regret a penny of that investment.
As I said, if you want to have the Bible on your Mac (or PC or iOS device), you cannot ignore Accordance.