The first time you open this app, you'll be presented with a window saying that this app is buggy, and that the developer has a better app called Nimblify, which is available on the MAS.
It also installs crap ALL OVER THE PLACE!
Significator for iTunes.app /Applications
ch.ilijatovilo.iTunes-Significator.plist /private/var/db/receipts
ch.ilijatovilo.iTunes-Significator.plist /Users/Name/Library/Containers/ch.ilijatovilo.iTunes-Significator/Data/Library/Preferences
ch.ilijatovilo.iTunes-Significator.plist.lockfile /Users/Name/Library/Containers/ch.ilijatovilo.iTunes-Significator/Data/Library/Preferences
ch.ilijatovilo.iTunes-Significator.bom /private/var/db/receipts
ch.ilijatovilo.iTunes-Significator.LSSharedFileList.plist /Users/Name/Library/Containers/ch.ilijatovilo.iTunes-Significator/
ch.ilijatovilo.iTunes-Significator /Users/Name/Library/Containers/ch.ilijatovilo.iTunes-Significator/Data/Library/Application Scripts
Folder: ch.ilijatovilo.iTunes-Significator /Users/Name/Library/Containers
Folder: ch.ilijatovilo.iTunes-Significator /Users/Name/Library/Containers/ch.ilijatovilo.iTunes-Significator/Data/Library/Caches
Folder: ch.ilijatovilo.iTunes-Significator /private/var/folders/f7/y3x7p8k90nx578rv9hq_zg2m0000gn/T
Folder: ch.ilijatovilo.iTunes-Significator /private/var/folders/f7/y3x7p8k90nx578rv9hq_zg2m0000gn/C
When I ran AppCleaner to get rid of it, only the app and 2 folders were found. When I ran AppDelete, only the app and 1 folder were found.
I then ran EasyFind to locate everything, so I could get all this crap off my system.
I only used it for a minute, so I can't comment on its stability, but I'm giving it half a star for trying to upsell an acknowledged buggy app, as well as for
all the time I've spent deleting this crap.
I thought it was supposed to pop up a window whenever a track starts, but nothing happened when I played some podcasts, maybe it doesn't work with podcasts? Perhaps that's one of it's bugs?