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DuckCapture for Mac

Screen capture tool.

In English
Version 2.6

DuckCapture overview

DuckCapture comes with four capture modes that make screen capture easy! Capture a window on your screen, region of your screen, or full screen. Moreover, you can change your captured area or add more areas to one image. DuckCapture allows you to add annotations and informative text by marking the area. When finished, you can save to file, copy to clipboard or print out directly. Functionalities of DuckCaptuer can also be extended by scripts.

DuckCapture for Mac

In English
Version 2.6
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(1 Reviews of DuckCapture)

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Nov 6 2011
Nov 6 2011
Version: 2.6
I've been using this app for a couple months now and have liked it; simple and more than adequate features. Suddenly, beginning yesterday, it quit forming image files, although it says it is. I can still have it capture to the clipboard and use GraphicConverter to open and save it. I'd trash the preference file if I knew what it's called.
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