An actual Mac user interface! Yeah! I'm so sick of SoulSeekQT that I'd really love to be able to use iSoul all the time. Alas, it falls far short of where it needs to be to make it usable in terms of features and preference options. Nevertheless I give kudos to the developer. I only wish that he'd return to his project and press on toward releasing an actual final version (it could be so awesome).
A few of the most serious shortcomings:
1. No documentation or help screens.
2. No way to change your shares from "Everyone" to other options, such as "Friends only".
3. No filtering or refining of search results. .
2 & 3 have been included in SoulSeek-QT for quite a few years, along with a number of other features and preference options. But SSK-QT is getting long in the tooth, and it's not especially stable either.. A revamped iSoul could easily surpass SSK-QT in terms of functionality and features, and have a nice interface to boot.
However, even if iSoul is never updated it still has a place. It's a fairly good SSK client for those who only require the most basic of funtionality and configurability.