I have purchased and used this software in the past, however the current version has some engineering issues which have not been corrected. If you are running 10.7.X this software will cause a CPU event, near 98 percent, so you will either need to update to the next higher operating system and take your chances that the product will eventually be fixed or continued to be updated or be content with a product that does not work. This product for its price point is a good product but you will have to constantly fight with bugs, sound issues, since this product uses sound flower, you may experience various issues with regard to being able to record, at times you will find that you cannot record and when you can record, once you close the software you will no longer have audio on your computer, (sound flower locks up the settings) over all it can be a nice program and I will say that they do work very hard at the shiny white box, but of late things have not been as good, no update for a long time now, I wonder if they have all the driving force they had back three years ago when things were going along a good deal better. certainly try out the demo, because you may find some issues.